The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce of Texas (IACC), established in Houston in 1992 as a non-profit corporation, promotes trade relations between Italy and United States and encourages the development of Italian business in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma.
The Texas economy is the second largest in the nation after California and the fifteenth in the world, based on GDP. Houston is the capital of the oil & gas industry (several of the largest oil companies have their headquarters here) and has the world's largest concentration of healthcare and research institutions. The presence of NASA's Johnson Space Center further adds to the international outlook of the city, which firmly positions itself as one of the largest and most rapidly growing economies in the United States.
The Made in Italy in Texas, unlike other locations in the country which have reached saturation, still offers room for expansion in many sectors, from food & wine to mechanics related to oil drilling, from fashion to high end furnishing, from luxury to logistics, to name just a few.
The IACC provides its members and anyone interested in the US market a turn-key service for all their business needs. Anyone who wishes to evaluate business opportunities in Texas is assisted by IACC every step of the way: from search and selection of local business partners in USA and Italy to the joint venture process, from the set up of trade missions to the organization of events to promote and launch products or services, from legal assistance to financial consultancy, from translation services to logistic support (virtual office, conference room rental etc.).
The IACC is headquartered in Houston with a branch in Austin and New Orleans.
We belong to the network Assocamerestero, the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (Camere di Commercio Italiane allĀ“Estero, CCIE), created to promote Chambers activities and increase visibility of the network among Italian and International institutions as well as business organizations.