Taste of Italy 2018: Who can participate?

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Where Italian specialties and their producers find the best buyers from Texas and the rest of the Nation.

Who can participate?
Producers and/or distributors of authentic Italian Food&Wine specialties.

What’s in it for me?
Meetings with qualified professionals interested in your products:
– Buyers from big retail chains, restaurants and/or restaurant chains.
– Distributors and/or importers that deal with thousands of clients locally and throughout the whole Nation.
– Wine&Food Journalists and Food Bloggers.

Where do buyers come from?
Texas: Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso
Rest of the United States: California, Illinois, New York, Florida, Ohio, Louisiana and more.

How do the encounters with the buyers happen?
Every producer will have their own desk to display their products. The attending professionals will be able to stop by for sampling.

How much will it cost?
Click here to see how much the investment is.

How can I save more?
Hurry up and enroll before October 31st, 2017 (Early bird Discount). Click here for more information.

When does the registration end?
Register by January 31st, 2018.


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