IACC Texas

Artisanal beer from Italy is America’s next big thing (for real)

Click here to register for the Thursday, March 3, Taste of Italy Houston event. Last-minute registration welcome!

Don’t get me wrong.

I was born in America and was raised in Southern California.

I love American beer and was in my early 20s and living in California when the microbrewery movement exploded.

But here in the United States, we haven’t seen anything yet like the unstoppable wave of artisanal beer producers that has emerged in Italy over the last twenty years.

It all started in the 1990s in northeastern Italy where a small group of brewers began producing unpasteurized beer.

Today, there are literally hundreds of artisanal breweries in Italy, mostly run by young people, like Birra Turan, which will be joining us on Thursday, March 3 for the Taste of Italy Houston event.

The “new beer” of Italy has made some inroads in the U.S.

At Eataly in New York, for example, they have a whole section devoted to the artisanal beers of Italy, with 30 some producers represented.

And even Whole Foods here in Texas has begun to carry a handful of artisanal beer producers.

One of the things I’m most looking forward to at the March 3 tasting is sampling the products of Birra Turan and chatting with the representatives.

Stay tuned for a full report here on the IACC blog!

In the meantime, check out this post from last year on SeriousEats.

Image via the Birra Turan Facebook.

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Taste Italy in Houston March 3 and a new Italian culture blog I’m writing | Do Bianchi 9:20am on February 29, 2016

[…] Italian food products like traditional balsamic vinegar and Parmigiano Reggiano and to taste artisanal Italian beer and even […]

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