
Luncheon with the Ambassador David O’Sullivan of the European Union

Chambers of Commerce of the European Union in Houston, and the University of Houston-Dowtown are pleased to invite you to attend a luncheon hosting his excellency David O’Sullivan, the Ambassador of the European Union to the USA.

Transatlantic relation facing global challenges

logos luncheon ambassador3 (2)

Introduction by:
Bill Flores – President of the University of Houston-Dowtown

Geoffroy Petit – President of the French-American Chamber of Commerce

Keynote speaker:
David O’Sullivan – Ambassador of the European Union to the USA

Tuesday, November 17th, 11:30am – 1:30pm
University of Houston-Dowtown, One Main Street, Suite 990-S, Houston, TX 77002

$35 for Young Professional Members (under 30)
$45 for Members of any  Chamber of Commerce of the European Union
$70 for Non-Members

Click here to register!


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