
Thank you Roboze founder and CEO Alessio Lorusso for representing Houston at the recent worlwide Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad Convention.

This week, Assocamerestero — the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad — has been hosting an international virtual Convention including representatives of chambers and their members across the world. More than 100 business leaders have been invited to address the gathering.

They include Alessio Lorusso, the founder and CEO of Roboze, a pioneer of 3D printing who chose Houston as the new headquarters for his growing company last year. Mr. Lorusso spoke about his company’s membership with Italy-America Chamber of Commerce South Central and the consulting services that our office provided on the ground here in Texas.

Lorusso was profiled by Forbes magazine as one of its “Under 30” rising stars in 2018. “Alessio built his first 3D printer when he was only 17 years old,” wrote the editors, “inventing the beltless technology few years later. Roboze is shaping a worldwide manufacturing as a service network where users of Roboze Additive Systems are also producers of parts for other customers, enabling the production of high volume end use parts for the most extreme applications in aerospace, energy, electrical mobility, defense and manufacturing industries. Roboze has hundreds of systems in 25 countries in the world. Roboze is backed by leading VCs and top notch industry executives.”

Thank you, Mr. Lorusso, for representing Houston as one of the best places in the U.S. for Italian businesses.

Read more about the virtual Convention on the Assocamerestero site here.

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