
WEBINAR: “Italian Success Stories in Texas,” July 9.

WEBINAR: “Italian Success Stories in Texas: Small, medium-sized, and large companies share insights from their experience doing business in the Lone Star State.”

Thursday, July 9
9 a.m. CST/4 p.m. CET

Panelists: Brando Ballerini (Saipem), Andrea Benedetti (Duna USA), Pietro Palini (One-Off America LLC).

Moderated by media consultant Jeremy Parzen and IACC-SC Director Alessia Paolicchi.


About the panelists:

Brando Paolo Ballerini

Brando Paolo Ballerini began his career in the oil industry when he joined his family’s company, Ballerini S.p.a. He’s been a member of the company’s board since 1986 and its president since 1989. He was also a member of the board of the Piacenza Industrial Association from 1994-96. From 2004-18 he was the president of the board of Drillmec, Inc. in Houston, Texas. He currently serves as business development manager for the Americas at Saipem.

Andrea Benedetti

After having worked in the financial sector in Italy, Andrea Benedetti moved to the U.S. where he began working at DUNA-USA, an Italian company based in Baytown, Texas in the greater Houston area, a world leader in the production of polyurethane. He began his career there as the company’s chief financial officer and is now its chief executive officer whose focus is expanding the firm’s reach within the NAFTA area.

Pietro Palini

Pietro Palini began his career as a programmable logic controller software designer specialized in aluminum extrusion for New Electronics in Brescia, Italy. After working in many parts of the world for New Electronics, he founded HS Automation, a company that works in the industrial automation sector. In 2019, he left HS Automation to expand One-Off Solution s.r.l. as One-Off America, a U.S.-focused company that offers automation services and software development.

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