
Giancarlo Ferrara of Amalfi, one of Houston’s “culinary stars,” to showcase his pasta at the Authentic Italian Table/Houston Pasta Festival May 19

Giancarlo Ferrara is an internationally recognized Italian chef who opened his wildly popular Amalfi Ristorante Italiano & Bar in Houston back in 2014.

He’s one of the city’s leading pastamakers and focuses on the cuisine of southern Italy.

When Houston Chronicle restaurant critic Alison Cook first reviewed the restaurant the following year, she declared: “With Amalfi, an Italian star is born.”

The rest is history…

And Giancarlo is just one of the amazing Italian restaurateurs who will be showcasing their favorite pastas this year at the 2nd Annual Authentic Italian Table/Houston Pasta Festival May 19.

Click here for details and registration info (including early-bird registration).

Image via the Amalfi Ristorante Italiano & Bar Facebook.

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