
Viaggi Sponsorizzati per Buyer in Italia

Viaggi sponsorizzati a Milano per partecipare alle Fiere di Host e Homi, in collaborazione con EXPO Milano 2015
riservato a Buyer specializzati in:

Architettura, Design,
Consulenti Designer
Distributori e venditori
Catene di Hotels e Hotel
Mense aziendali, Ospedali, Cinema e Musei
GDO, Centri Commerciali, Macellerie, Gastronomie e Pasticcerie
Bar, Gelaterie, Chefs e Ristoranti, Pizzerie, Fast-Food and Ristoranti Self Service, Centri Benessere, Palestre e SPA
Concept Store

Per maggiori informazioni contatta Francesca Bacci:

o chiama: +1 713 626 9303

A News
We are proud to...
The year 2016 began...
Il primo trimestre 2016...
Il 2015 e’ stato...
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
On Thursday of last...

Sponsored Trips to Italy for Buyers

Sponsered trips to Milan to attend HOST and HOMI exhibitions within EXPO Milano 2015
for buyers or specialists in:

Architects, Designers, Design Consultants and Contractors
Distributors and Dealers
Hotels and Hotel chains
Company canteens, Hospitals, Cinemas and Museums
Large Scale Retail Trade and Shopping Centers, Butcher’s, Delicatessens and Bakeries
Bars, Confectioner’s and Ice cream parlours
Chefs and Restaurants, Pizzerias, Fast-Food and Self Service restaurants
Wellness centers, gyms and Spas
Concept Store

Contact Francesca Bacci at or call us 713 626 9303

A News
The exports of food...
Thursday-February 4th 2016, at...
Dear compatriots, In the...
B2B Wine tour Oltrepò...
In september, the Italy-America...
There are 45 Chambers of...
Summer is almost over...
Welcome to the new...
Paid trips to Italy...
In September, the Italy-America...
Sponsered trips to Milan...
Dear members and friends,...
Reconnect with your Italian...