
Apply for sponsored trip to MECSPE international manufacturing fair, March 26-28, 2020 in Parma

International Manufacturing Fair
March 26-28

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting applications for sponsored trips to MECSPE, one of Italy’s leading international manufacturing fairs, March 26-28, 2020 in Parma, Italy.

5 sponsored trips are available to buyers from the following sectors:

– Mechanical Subcontracting
– Mould: Machinery for plastic, Rubber and Composite, Subcontracting
– Electronic Subcontracting

Click here to learn more.

The travel package includes:

– Airfare
– Lodging (3 nights)
– Transportation to and from airport and hotel to fairgrounds
– Meals (lunch and dinner)
– Meeting planning/scheduling with exhibitors

For more info, please visit:

To receive an application form, please contact the IACC by clicking here.

Image via the MECSPE Faceboook.

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