NewsTaste of Italy

Do you work in the Texas restaurant trade? Please contact us to sign up for the LARGEST ITALIAN WINE AND FOOD festival in the U.S.

On Monday, February 25, the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas will be hosting the 5th annual Taste of Italy trade fair, the largest food and wine fair in the U.S. devoted exclusively to authentic Italian food and wine.


Winemakers and food producers from Italy, who are traveling to Texas especially for the event, will be presenting more 500+ wines and food products.

And some of the top trade experts in Texas will be leading tastings and seminars, including Master Sommelier June Rodil (above), Houston Chronicle columnists J.C. Reid and Dale Robertson, and Houston-based Italian wine educator Jeremy Parzen. Acclaimed food and wine writer Bruce Schoenfeld will also be part of a panel.

Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to taste and learn about new trends in Italian food and wine and to meet some of the brightest stars in the world of the culinary arts today.

Photo by Hilary Murphy Photography.

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