Above: Piazza della Signoria in Florence would normally be filled with commuters, shoppers, and tourists at this time of year. This week it’s virtually deserted as travel restrictions have been implemented across Italy in the government’s efforts to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus (photo by Paolo Cioni).
In its ongoing efforts to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Italian government implemented severe travel restrictions across the entire country on Monday. The new “zona protetta” (“protected zone”) expands the “zona rossa” (“red zone”) restrictions that had been put into place early Sunday morning across a broad swath of northern Italy. With the new measures in place, Italians are no longer allowed to move leave or enter cities or towns, although exceptions are made for necessary work and health-related reasons as well as extenuating circumstances. All public gatherings have been banned, all schools have been closed, international and domestic flights have been cancelled, and the Italian government is encouraging citizens to stay at home and work from home if necessary.
Here at the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce South Central, we are monitoring the situation closely. We recognize that many of you have family and friends in Italy who have been impacted by the new restrictions. And we are acutely aware of the fallout on Italian businesses, both in the U.S. and Italy.
Currently, we are working to obtain more information on how the zona protetta is being implemented and its effects on daily life. We are also closely following updates from the Italian government on relief efforts and the ongoing campaign to mitigate the continuing health crisis.
The IACC is here to help: Please feel free to contact our office by email at info@iacctexas.com if you require assistance or information. One of our staff members will be happy to speak with you and help you in any way we can. And in the meantime, please stay up-to-date with our social media channels where we will be publishing updates on the evolving situation.