
IACC leads Houston investment delegation to Piacenza for start-up conference

Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas director Alessia Paolicchi has just returned from Piacenza where she led a delegation of Houston business people to attend a start-up conference at Incubatore Inlab.

The trip was organized by Incubatore Inlab, the Catholic University Piacenza, the Piacenza Chamber of Commerce, Confindustria Piacenza, the Association of Italian Cooperatives (AGCI), the Consortium for Technology Exchange (ASTER), and

The delegation included a venture capitalist, business consultant, and business mentor — each from Houston. They were hosted by Incubatore Inlab, an “incubator” of start-ups and business opportunities based in Emilia-Romagna.

The Texans met with representatives from eight start-ups from five different provinces in Emilia. The scope of their talks were informative and exploratory, giving the American delegation the chance to learn about investment opportunities in Italy.

The focus was primarily medical, bio technology, and research start-ups, a great match for Houston, home to the largest medical research and cancer treatment center in the world.

The motto of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas is creating connections and building community between Italy and the U.S. There couldn’t be a better example of how director Paolicchi fulfills the chamber’s mission of fostering business relationships between the two countries.

Are you interested in learning more or participating in an upcoming trip?

Please contact IACC deputy director Maurizio Gamberucci by clicking here for more info.

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