
Thank you for making the first-ever Houston Pasta Festival an overwhelming success!

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas would like to share its heartfelt thanks with the more than 450 guests, 20+ restaurants and vendors, and our generous sponsors (Trillos-Ballerini Law Firm Immigration Solutions and Helfman Alfa Romeo and Maserati) for making the first-ever Houston Pasta Festival an overwhelming success.

Our goal was to reach 300 guests in attendance. But thanks to support from our partners, including the Italian Cultural and Community Center (ICCC), we were able to surpass our target with flying colors.

Pasta is an international food and a universal symbol of healthy and delicious eating. It was remarkable to see such a gathering of so many Houston restaurateurs and artisanal pasta-makers. And it was also great to see so many children signed up for the event’s cooking classes (organized by the ICCC).

We couldn’t be more thrilled with the results and the feedback. And we look forward to making the Houston Pasta Festival an annual tradition!

Please click here for a Facebook album of highlights from the gathering.

This event was presented by the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas (IACC) in conjunction with True Italian Taste, an Italian Trade Commission campaign to promote awareness of authentic Italian food products and foodways.

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