
Houston EU Day a Success!

We are proud to announce that EU Day Networking Event, held at the Legacy Room in Houston’s City Hall was a success! The event was a product of the joint effort of seven European Chambers of Commerce in Texas.

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas, the Consolate General of Italy in Houston, and the Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner celebrated Europe Day with a cocktail reception in the Legacy Room at Houston’s City Hall.

The Chamber and Consolate were the co-presenters of the event: In accordance with protocol, Mayor Turner (below, right) gave the opening remarks followed by an address by Italian Consul Elena Sgarbi (left).


Mayor Turner spoke at length of the many business ties between Houston and the European Union, noting that Europe stands apart as one of Houston’s leading trading partners.

In her remarks, Consul Sgarbi pointed to the European bloc’s legacy as a symbol and inspiration for peace and cooperation throughout the world. Currently, she noted, the European Union sponsors educational programs in Texas public schools to raise awareness among students about the European Union, its history, and its role in the global economy.

The EU Day was a day to remind us of and celebrate peace, unity, and stability in Europe since the establishment of the European Union, as well as its fruitful ties with the United States.


It was an honor to have Mr. Sylvester Turner, Mayor of the City of Houston, Mrs. Elena Sgarbi, Consul General of Italy, Mr. Enric Panés Calpe, Consul General of Spain and Ms. Anna Holliday, Honorary Consul of Denmark, who delighted us with their kind and inspirational words.


Finally, we would like to thank the 2016 EU Day Organizing Committee:

Ilse Albers-van Hartevelt and Nadia Sant, Netherlands American Chamber of Commerce Texas

Sven Langeneau and Henning Peter, German American Chamber of Commerce

Maurizio Gamberucci, Italian American Chamber of Commerce,

Steen Padersen, Danish American Chamber of Commerce Southwest

Jonas Dahlstrom, Sweedish American Chamber of Commerce

Heiki Bergman, Finish American Chamber of Commerce

Carla Arimont, Spanish Texas Chamber of Commerce

In addition, Chamber member Il Mascalzone provided the catering and beverage services for the event.

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Houston EU Day a Success!

We are proud to announce that EU Day Networking Event, held at the Legacy Room in Houston’s City Hall was a success! The event was a product of the joint effort of seven European Chambers of Commerce in Texas.

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas, the Consolate General of Italy in Houston, and the Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner celebrated Europe Day with a cocktail reception in the Legacy Room at Houston’s City Hall.

The Chamber and Consolate were the co-presenters of the event: In accordance with protocol, Mayor Turner (below, right) gave the opening remarks followed by an address by Italian Consul Elena Sgarbi (left).


Mayor Turner spoke at length of the many business ties between Houston and the European Union, noting that Europe stands apart as one of Houston’s leading trading partners.

In her remarks, Consul Sgarbi pointed to the European bloc’s legacy as a symbol and inspiration for peace and cooperation throughout the world. Currently, she noted, the European Union sponsors educational programs in Texas public schools to raise awareness among students about the European Union, its history, and its role in the global economy.

The EU Day was a day to remind us of and celebrate peace, unity, and stability in Europe since the establishment of the European Union, as well as its fruitful ties with the United States.


It was an honor to have Mr. Sylvester Turner, Mayor of the City of Houston, Mrs. Elena Sgarbi, Consul General of Italy, Mr. Enric Panés Calpe, Consul General of Spain and Ms. Anna Holliday, Honorary Consul of Denmark, who delighted us with their kind and inspirational words.


Finally, we would like to thank the 2016 EU Day Organizing Committee:

Ilse Albers-van Hartevelt and Nadia Sant, Netherlands American Chamber of Commerce Texas

Sven Langeneau and Henning Peter, German American Chamber of Commerce

Maurizio Gamberucci, Italian American Chamber of Commerce,

Steen Padersen, Danish American Chamber of Commerce Southwest

Jonas Dahlstrom, Sweedish American Chamber of Commerce

Heiki Bergman, Finish American Chamber of Commerce

Carla Arimont, Spanish Texas Chamber of Commerce

In addition, Chamber member Il Mascalzone provided the catering and beverage services for the event.

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