
Webinar May 28: “Developing online sales strategies.”

“Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-Pandemic Era,” a webinar series on how to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the After COVID-19 Era, featuring top food and wine importers, distributors, and buyers from across the U.S.

“Open for Business: Developing online sales strategies.”

Thursday, May 28
9 a.m. CST – 10 a.m. EST – 4 p.m. CET

With export specialist Alessio Gambino and online retailer Daniel Santini.

Moderated by Jeremy Parzen.


Alessio Gambino is the founder of Magnifico Food, an e-commerce platform that imports and sells artisanal Italian food products in the U.S. He is also the Founder of International Business Strategy – a company specialized in business internationalization services with offices and direct branches in Italy, Bulgaria, Brazil, and the U.S.

Daniel Santini is the founder and CEO of Entimio Artisanal Olive Oil, a growing direct-to-consumer (DTC) olive oil brand that relies on its online presence to drive sales. It’s currently one of the top-selling and highest-ranked premium olive oil brands on Amazon.

Moderator Jeremy Parzen is a food and wine writer and media consultant.

Stay tuned for the next webinar in the series: “Italian Wine Sales: Online Trends in the Post-Pandemic Era” with Spec’s Italian wine buyer Tom Dobson and Kroger regional beverage manager Jaime De Leon, Thursday, June 4.

The IACC webinar series was made possible in part thanks to support from the Regione Calabria.

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