NewsPassaparola Buzz 2.0

Newsletter – September 2015

Summer is almost over and the Chamber is ready to start another great season of actions to ramp up the Italian business in Texas. We proudly count on the support of the new Board of Directors who has been recently elected and renewed, who will empower our activities together with the Advisory Board from the Austin Branch. It’s also a great pleasure to introduce to our community Dr. Carlo Angelo Bocchi – Trade commissioner with the Italian Trade Agency, who is opening the new office in Houston. We warmly welcome him and look forward to having a fruitful cooperation.
We are also very happy to have our new website online, same address but a lot of new contents, news, pictures and gallery about our trade missions, new members and exciting projects.
As per the upcoming events we feature in this issue the second edition of Taste of Italy, scheduled for March 2nd-3rd in Houston, Exclusive B2B Event of Authentic Italian Food&Wine, where Italian specialties producers and traders will have the opportunity to meet professional buyers from Texas and other US locations. We are also working on a series of events focused on made in Italy Kosher certified food products, on the promotion of artisans from Lazio and touristic itineraries in the Southern Italy.
Recently a delegation from Confindustria Veneto representatives has come to Texas for a very intense set of business meetings in Houston and Austin, covering the IT, energy and furniture sectors. Another successful trade mission that – we are sure – will lead to further steps.
In the month of October, the President and I will be in Trieste for the Annual World Convention of Italian Chambers of commerce abroad. I’ve been invited to introduce Texas by many prestigious academic and business organizations. A great opportunity to meet with several Italian companies that, hopefully, will visit Houston soon.
Finally, we really hope to see you all – friends and members – at our monthly Happy Hour on September 29th at the new location of Fellini Gelato & Caffé at City Center, and at the wine dinner with the French American Business Council on Wednesday October 14th, at Gusto Italian Kitchen-Austin!
Alessia Paolicchi – Executive Director

A News
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Our longtime member, Vecchia Cantina di Montepulciano ,...