
Download the free Taste of Italy app!

Taste of Italy 2017 is no open! Click here for information on the grand tasting, seminars, and registration details.

We are thrilled to announce that the Taste of Italy 2017 app is now officially online!


The new app allows both tasting participants and exhibitors not only to archive and rate their favorite products but it also allows users to offer feedback to the producers themselves.

The concept is that participants will create a shared “library” of their favorite products and in doing so, they will forge a platform for networking and social media engagement.

Participants will be able to contact producers, for example, for more in-depth info about their products. Similarly, exhibitors will be able to identify potential business partners and end consumers by browsing user profiles.

More than anything else, we hope that the app will become a means for everyone involved in the festival to stay in touch and to retain an archive of their favorite products from each year’s event.

Download the newly launched app here.

And click here to learn more about the festival and to register.

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