
Donate to Houston’s recovery

If you’d like to donate to relief efforts, here are a couple of sites we recommend:

Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund
(established by Mayor Sylvester Turner)

Houston Food Bank

Based on our research, these are among the best resources for contributing directly to locally based, official relief efforts.

If you’d like to contribute to the IACC campaign for recovery, we are currently taking donations that will be used to purchase the items listed below.

All monies received will be promptly used to buy needed supplies etc. and all items will be delivered to relief distribution centers on the day of purchase.

It’s one way to ensure that your donation is being applied directly to relief efforts in Houston: You donate, we purchase needed items, and we deliver them to relief distribution centers. As simple as that…


These are the items most requested by local shelters:

feminine hygiene products
baby food
adult diapers

30 percent of Houston remains under water as of today. More than 30,000 Houstonians are currently being housed in temporary shelters. Many Houstonians will remain displaced for weeks. And many homes will not be accessible until the water recedes, in some cases, for up to three weeks according to official estimates.

The IACC will continue its campaign as long as shelters need supplies.

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