
Top Houston chef Giancarlo Ferrara to lead master class in Bentonville this Friday

Giancarlo Ferrara (above) is an internationally recognized Italian chef who opened his wildly popular Amalfi Ristorante Italiano & Bar in Houston back in 2014.

He’s one of the city’s leading pastamakers and focuses on the cuisine of southern Italy.

When Houston Chronicle restaurant critic Alison Cook first reviewed the restaurant the following year, she declared: “With Amalfi, an Italian star is born.”

We are thrilled to share the news that Giancarlo will be leading a Master Class on authentic Italian foods and foodways in Bentonville, Arkansas on Friday, November 15. Details follow below.

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas, in collaboration with VisitBentonville and Fort Worth Sister Cities, is proud to present this year’s Italian Gourmet Foods Master Classes.

These educational events offer chefs, culinary students, and food and wine lovers the opportunity to learn more about authentic Italian products and foodways. Presenters will focus on authenticity, traceability, food and wine pairings, and how to use traditional Italian food products in the kitchen.

Featured products include: Prosciutto di ParmaPecorino ToscanoParmigiano ReggianoSicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil& classic Friuli Venezia-Giulia Products.

Brightwater Culinary School
Bentonville, Arkansas

Featuring chefs Matthew Cooper
and Giancarlo Ferrara

Friday, November 15
9-12 p.m.
1-4 p.m.

Tarrant Area Food Bank
Fort Worth

Monday, November 18
9-12 p.m.
professional focus
1-4 p.m.
general admission $25

Fort Worth only 
registration not required
for Bentonville

These events are presented in association with
La Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo
(Worldwide Italian Cuisine Week)
and with the support of the Sistema Italia:

Consolato Italiano Houston
Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas
Comune di Reggio Emilia
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

These events have also been underwritten by the Italian government’s True Italian Taste campaign, which promotes awareness of authentic Italian food and wine products and foodways.

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