
The wines of Sannio: IACC co-presents another spectacular wine tasting

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas co-presented yet another spectacular wine tasting this month in Houston.

On Monday of this week, representative for the Consortium of Sannio Wines Gerardo Antelmo poured a flight of roughly 20 wines made from the indigenous grapes of Campania, including Aglianico, Falaghina, and Fiano d’Avellino, among others.

That’s Gerardo (second from right) with Houston-based wine professionals (from left) Alessandro Viganò (Director of Sales and Marketing for Stefano Farina Imports), Joseph Kemble (Italian wine buyer for Spec’s), Thomas Womack (district sales manager for Southern Glazer’s), and Christine Arago-Voutsinas (sales representative for Southern Glazer’s).

Not a bad bunch of Italian wine professionals gathered for the occasion! The IACC blogger and Italian wine blogger in his own right, Jeremy Parzen of Do Bianchi, was also in attendance.

A number of the wines poured by Gerardo this week were Gambero Rosso Three Glass winners (the popular guide’s top rating). And the group of tasters was particularly impressed by range and quality of the Falanghina wines.

Most U.S.-based wine professionals are familiar with the wines of Irpinia (Campania), including Greco di Tufo, Fiano d’Avellino, and Taurasi. But many don’t realize that the neighboring wine country in Benevento province is equally prolific (if not as well known) in producing high-quality fine wines.

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