
Thanks for attending our Masterclass – The Wines of Oltrepò Pavese

During this month's True Italian Taste campaigns, the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce South Central was proud to host a tasting of the wines from the Oltrepò Pavese. This presentation was hosted in partnership with Jaime DeLeon, Adult Beverage Sales Manager with The Kroger Co., Houston Division.


This Masterclass explored wine-making regions of the Oltrepò Pavese and their various subdivisions, including the DOC, DOCG, and IGT denominations.

  • 1 DOCG 
    • Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico; Cruasé, marchio collettivo consortile per la versione rosé;
  • 7 DOC 
    • Bonarda dell’Oltrepò Pavese, Buttafuoco dell’Oltrepò Pavese, Casteggio, Oltrepò Pavese, Oltrepò Pavese Pinot Grigio, Pinot Nero dell’Oltrepò Pavese e Sangue di Giuda dell’Oltrepò Pavese;
  • 1 IGT
    • Provincia di Pavia

This event is organized with the support of the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, realized by Assocamerestero in cooperation with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad.

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