
Off the beaten track: IACC Texas in Novara

Above: The famous landmark of Novara (Piedmont), the Basilica of San Gaudenzio.

Earlier this month, the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Texas accompanied a group of American trade operators to Novara, Piedmont where 18 local food and wine sector companies presented their products in a business-to-business tasting. In total, nearly 80 meetings were held at the gathering, which was co-presented and organized by the Novara Chamber of Commerce.

As the interest in Italian food and wine has only continued to expand in the U.S. over the the last two decades, so too have the horizons of American consumers, restaurateurs, and gourmet food shop owners. As a result, many American buyers are increasingly interested in finding “off-the-beaten-track” producers and products.

While Novara maybe be well known among Italians and Europeans at large, most Americans who have traveled to Piedmont (for business or food and wine tourism) are familiar only with Alba and the Langhe Hills, home to Barolo and Barbaresco wines as well as a number of high-end food products and high-profile dining destinations.

And so places like Novara represent undiscovered and uncharted territory for many U.S. operators, even for the more sophisticated and experienced ones.

As it continues to grow its reach and build its contact lists, the IACC Texas was very eager to participate in this campaign. And the results were spectacular: The American buyers were thrilled to have the opportunity to interact with producers whose products are not yet available in the U.S. and to increase their knowledge of Italian gastronomy in general.

If you are a Texas-based restaurateur or wine professional who would like to participate in a future trip like this, please send us an email by clicking here.

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